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Capitol Building

Tell Congress to Pass the CARE Authorization Act!

CARE’s Impact on Afghan Allies

Call Your Representative:

*Please note, interns and junior staff often manage the phones. The call is still an important tool to show your support for our Afghan allies. The most effective message is calm, clear, and includes your name and zip code so that the team can pass your message on to the  Representative.* 

Find your Representative's contact information.


Hello! My name is [XXX-Insert Your Name-XXX], and
I am your constituent in [XXX-Insert Your City and Zip Code-XXX].


I am calling to ask Representative [XXX- Insert the Representative’s Name-XXX] to cosponsor H.R. 8368, the CARE Authorization Act, to continue life-saving work bringing our most vulnerable Afghan allies to safety. This crucial legislation must pass this year.


This is an opportunity to keep our promise to the Afghans who stood alongside our troops and diplomats. As your constituent, can I count on my Representative to support the CARE Authorization Act?


Thank you for sharing my message with the Representative.


[Optional - If you would like a written response]
Thank you for passing on my message on to the Representative. I would also like to request a written response on the Representative’s position on the CARE Authorization Act. My email address is
[XXX- Insert Your Email Address -XXX].

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